I am Henry, I am a Hedgehog.
My variety is heavy and soft. (I’m really a soft, squidgy doorstop!)
I have human friends, and a spiky family that live in a garden in North Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.
My humans and I, have started to take a very keen interest in the health and well-being of the spiky garden friends, especially during the insane heatwave of 2018.
When my humans moved into their house in June 2018, they had an old, past-sell-by(useby) date Christmas Pudding, which the humans thought might be of interest to feed the birds.
After a few days, the humans noticed that the birds were really having a good go at the pudding – or so they thought.
Well, as it turns out – my spiky counterparts were sneaking into the garden and munching away at the pudding !
It was completely by accident they found this out – as the big male human walked into the garden to water the plants, and almost trod on my spiky counterpart !
At this moment that the humans started to wonder just how much of the pudding the garden Hogs had munched through.
Well, over the next two or three days, the rest of the pudding was consumed in totality, and the humans decided that it would be best – considering the extremely hot weather, and reports coming in via the various media outlets that hedgehogs were dying in the extreme heat, that something should be done.
Therefore, the humans decided that it would be best to feed and water the spiky residents of our garden to make sure that they didn’t suffer in the heat.
As the humans are rather curious creatures, they had a spare wildlife camera (well, one that had never been used) and decided to put it to good use, and take a peek on the nightly activities of the garden hogs.
*THAT* was, as they say, was that – and the birth of this site.