As you will no doubt have read from our last post, the large human has built us a cat defeat tunnel, so that only us Hedgehogs 🦔 can chomp our way through the food that the lovely humans are providing for us.
Well, we now have video evidence, that the cat has well and truly been stumped by the invention and handy hammering of the clever human.
Just look at this concatenation of video from HogCam 🙂
The cat has a very good look round, and even tries to use his paw to move the tunnel, but clever human had banged the wood into the ground, so that it was more stable, and this defeated the moggy.
Mr Moggy also has a good look around our feeding station, even jumping on top – good job it’s pretty damn solidly built (thanks to the Human’s family! 🙂 )
Both myself, my garden friends, and the humans are really rather happy with this outcome.
Till Later!