This year for the humans has been tough so far.
A global pandemic… lockdown… not seeing their friends or family – I can’t imagine it’s been an easy thing for the humans.
My garden spiky friends didn’t make an appearance until around early August this year, and as the previous cat-burglar configuration had long since perished, a new solution was required.
Thankfully out human friends had a large number of spare bricks that they left over from when they had their front garden rebuilt.

This was the first attempt using the bricks… and as we can all see there is a spiky friend on their way to munch on some food.
The humans still had their two Hedgehog feeding stations/hibernation homes from previous year(s) – so they were retrieved from the shed, and the spare bricks used to make something a little more suitable… and in a more “rough” area of their garden.

As this picture shows, a couple of bricks high, and a brick or two over the top – makes a nice tunnel for hedgies to get in, but is clearly to small for a cat to get in.
This feeding station is all part of the human’s little area for hedgies – as you can see here 😀

Now, the humans hadn’t seen any evidence that this arrangement was 100% cat-proof… at least until a couple of nights ago..

The moggie clearly can smell the food in there (at this was some Spike’s semi-moist Hedgehog food) but, clearly can’t get inside to feed.
This is most definitely a win.
Till Later!